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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Relax and Enjoy

Just wanted to relax and take some photos outside and sit and watch the birds. My family and I have been putting seed out on a table out back and have attracted tons of birds and furry critters in the area. Always a enjoyable thing to watch. The animals in God's creation are mind blowing just in themselves and we are so much greater than that.
it's been a while but there you go, thanks:)

P.s.- (Go Côte d'Ivoire in the world cup!!! )

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Friends and Family

This photo and post is for all the beautiful and uplifting people in my life. I have been so blessed to have great parents and an amazing girlfriend who i love so much. On top of just the best friends i could ever ask for. I really do take them for granted all the time, which is sad to say. We really can not go it alone in this world. Love all of you guys.
